Moody's would consider a further downgrade of Hungary's government debt rating if there is a significant decline in government financial strength due to a lack of progress on structural reforms and implementation of the medium-term plan. Such a decline could be accompanied by lasting exchange-rate pressures or rising financing costs.
Conversely, Moody's would consider stabilising the outlook on the government's Ba1 bond ratings (potentially leading to an eventual ratings upgrade over the longer term) if the country were to embark on a sustainable consolidation path, involving a more consistent implementation of the medium-term plan and the Convergence Programme -- possibly supported by a resumption of robust economic growth -- which would stabilise government financial strength on a sustained basis.
Ezekre "strukturális reformokra" várunk már lassan egy évtizede. Próbálok optimista lenni, de van egy olyan érzésem, hogy nem most jön el az idő.